You really can have it all- meaningful and abundant work that contributes to solutions needed now on the planet. An improved sense of who you are, so you can show up more of yourself than ever.

There’s just one problem.

You aren’t certain of what direction to head, which means that taking your next steps are risky because you fear it may be in the wrong direction.

So what usually happens? (click to learn more)

So you hang back from investing fully in that dream or vision stuck inside of you because you’re afraid of wasting time and money. Or of feeling shame about another failure.

If that sounds like you, you might be thinking:

I’ve wasted countless hours trying to figure out my next move, and can’t get clear about what I am meant to do. I sorta feel like I’ve failed for not figuring this out.”

“I’ve spent years doing “the work” on myself. I should know more about who I am by now. It feels useless to keep asking the same questions over and over.” 

“I’m frustrated that I’m stuck in the same career or my current job. Yet the salary is good and I’m afraid of giving up the pay and benefits. What if I fail?”

“I already have a business with a vision. I don’t need a vision, I just need to figure out how to make it all work with so many plates spinning.”

“I’m too old or it’s too late. I missed my chance, and made poor choices. I’ll never figure out what I’m meant to do, to live a purposeful life.”

I Get It.

The disappointment of not having figured it out, and dedicate yourself to something meaningful by now, is real.

That was me, too.

This is my story, in a nutshell.


I tried really hard to figure out who I was and what would bring meaning to my life, after a difficult childhood of feeling lost. I searched everywhere. And several times, I thought I’d found it.
… but it turned out to be another wrong turn, poor choice or missed opportunity. Each time I thought I’d gotten close, something happened that helped me realize I wasn’t there yet. 


There was something missing. And I was mystified and frustrated. I was getting closer each year or career or relationship, but I hadn’t found it after all that searching.


I wanted to have more impact. To bring more of my gifts to the world. To contribute more. To have more joy and calm and fulfillment.

And eventually, after several decades and more than 20 careers, as I healed and explored my own life worked with my clients, I realized that IN FACT there was something that I’d missed about how purpose shows up in your life.
Through the science and practice of my work, I found there’s a “thread” that runs through our life. It shows up in childhood, and gets expressed throughout life, but we don’t usually see it because we don’t know what to look for.

As soon as I figured this out, and began to see where the stories of my life had indicated this “thread,” my life began to make more sense and my work became focused.

I started to have more impact and everything started to feel like magic – synchronicities started to happen all around me in every part of my life.

Not only did my work and life become more meaningful, and decisions became clearer – I became more impactful. My contributions were startlingly clear.


… you had a Guide and a proven method
…to help you unravel your Golden Thread of Purpose
…so you could begin to move confidently and with clarity into the world to
…enact your vision and make your greatest contribution?

Wouldn’t that be amazing? (or at least relieving? To finally figure out what you’re here to do? Or at least do next?)


No more debilitating doubt about who you are and what your gifts and talents are to the world.
No more ‘lost and confused’ shame over not having figured this out yet.
No more wandering, waiting and fumbling in the dark on your own.

“It’s so obvious I should’ve seen this before (and I can see how I’ve been practicing all along the way)!”

“I have so much more clarity that I can already imagine what the next steps will be! And I know I’ll find success if I follow this thread!”

“I’m starting to feel my Purpose in my bones. It feels so clearly “me” that I’m confident I can now apply this across the board in my life and many things will shift.”

Return to this page to learn about the specific steps

where you’re pretty much guaranteed to see how your ENTIRE LIFE has been On Purpose and the Golden Thread of your own life will clarify your next step so you can live with more Clarity, Confidence and make your greatest Contribution.


Emergence Institute

Holly Woods, PhD

ⓒ 2020 Emergence Institute